Advanced Higher Chemistry Unit 4

Unit 4 - Researching Chemistry & Investigation Ideas

Experimental Techniques

This is very good for the details of how to do the various techniques:
Chemistry: A Practical Guide

Very good website from Royal Society of Chemistry:
Interactive Lab primer - links to lots of techniques

Apparatus -

Aspirin Experiments
A lot about preparation of aspirin, use of re-crystallisation, melting point, and thin layer chromatography
Synthesis of Aspirin :
Synthesis of Aspirin - very good video - shows crystallisation and vacuum filtration and explanations along the way from the teacher -

Recrystallisation and Vacuum Filtration to purify a compound - from Thinkwell videos with Professor Yee - very good explanation
and more about recrystallisation - ignore the actual experiment here but there is some nice info and  a nice diagram :

Separating Funnel
A video to show this:
and another:


Weighing by Difference:
Analytical Balance
from Thinkwell - v good videos

Worth watching to get finer points of doing these at Adv Higher Level
Colorimetry - using a smart meter on your mobile phone


The Advanced Higher Chemistry Investigation

Some resources :

Detailed Marking Instructions for the Project:

Some experiment ideas:
If you are in a remote school could possibly loan equipment from here:

Here are some ideas if you are searching for a project:


I 'm Jen Wilson and I tutor  Chemistry, Biology and Human Biology  at Higher and Advanced Higher  in Scotland.    Tutoring Subjects ...